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Editorial Work

  • Paulo/Bublitz (eds.), Empirische Ethik: Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Psychologie. Suhrkamp, 2020 [link].
  • Blitz/Bublitz (eds.), The Law and Ethics of Freedom of Thought: Neuroscience, Autonomy, Individual Rights. Vol. 1. Palgrave, 2021 [link].
  • Bublitz/Bung/Grünewald/Magnus/Putzke/Scheinfeld (eds.), Recht – Philosophie – Literatur. Festschrift für Reinhard Merkel. Duncker & Humblot, 2020 [link].
  • Friedrich/Wolkenstein/Bublitz/Jox/Racine (eds.), Clinical Neurotechnology meets Artificial Intelligence. Philosophical, Ethical, Legal and Social Implications. Springer 2020 [link]. 
  • Abraham/Bublitz/Geneuss/Krell/Wegner (Hrsg.), Verletzte im Strafrecht. Nomos, 2020 [link].
  • Bublitz/Paulo, The Political Implications of Moral Bioenhancement. Special Issue of Neuroethics, 4/2019 [link].


Criminal Law & Theory

  • Bublitz, When is Disbelief Epistemic Injustice? Criminal Procedure,Recovered Memories, and Deformations of the Epistemic Subject. Criminal Law and Philosophy (2023; OA online).
  • Bublitz/Geneuss/Rüther, Konzeption einer Veranstaltung zum Sexualstrafrecht als Anwendungsfall
    traumainformierter und depolarisierender Hochschullehre. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft 1/2022, 1-22 [paywall].
  • Bublitz, Entwicklung und Kritik der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung zur Glaubhaftigkeitsanalyse. Epistemische Gerechtigkeit und Implikationen für Aussage-gegen-Aussage-Konstellation. ZIS 3/2021,
    210-221 [full text].
  • Bublitz/Wolkenstein/Jox/Friedrich, Legal liabilities of BCI-users: Responsibility gaps at the intersection of mind and machine? International Journal of Law & Psychiatry 65, July 2019, 101399 [link].
  • Bublitz, ‚The Soul is the Prison of the Body‘ – Mandatory Moral Enhancement, Punishment & Rights Against Neuro-Rehabilitation. In: David Birks & Thomas Douglas (eds). Treatment for Crime: Philosophical Essays on Neurointerventions in Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press, 2018, 289-320 [full text].
  • Bublitz/Merkel, Crimes Against Minds: On Mental Manipulations, Harms and a Human Right to Mental Self-Determination. Criminal Law & Philosophy 8(1), 2014, S. 51-77.
  • Magnus/Bublitz/Repantis, Ärztliche Strafbarkeitsrisiken beim Verschreiben von Arzneimitteln für medizinisch nicht indizierte lifestyle Zwecke. MedStra 4/2015, 205-214.
  • Bublitz/Merkel, Guilty Minds in Washed Brains? Manipulation Cases,Compatibilist Excuses and the Premises of Liberal Legal Orders. In: Vincent (ed.), Neuroscience and Legal Responsibility. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014, S. 33 –374.
  • Bublitz, Der (straf-)rechtliche Schutz der Psyche – vom Körperverletzungstatbestand zum Grundrecht auf mentale Selbstbestimmung. Rechtswissenschaft 2:1, 2011, S. 29–68.
  • Bublitz, Habeas Mentem? Psychiatrische Zwangseingriffe im Maßregelvollzug und die Freiheit gefährlicher Gedanken. ZIS 8/2011, 714 – 733.
  • Bublitz/Gehrmann, Probleme der Schadensermittlung bei der Nichtgeltendmachung von Forderungen. wistra 2004, 126–133.

Philosophy (Law, Ethics) & Legal Theory

  • Bublitz (2021), Rights as Rationalizations? On Psychological Debunking of Beliefs about Human Rights. Legal Theory 27:2, 97-125 [fulltext]
  • Bublitz (2020), Die Genealogie der Vergeltung, oder warum retributiven Intuitionen nicht zu trauen ist. Ein Beitrag zu einer neuropsychologisch informierten Strafrechtswissenschaft. In: Bublitz et al. (eds.), FS Merkel, S. 459-492.
  • Bublitz/Paulo (2020), Empirische Ethik: Hintergründe, Einwände, Potentiale. In: Paulo/Bublitz, Empirische Ethik, S. 9-72.
  • Bublitz (2020), Epistemische Argumente im Recht: Von Biases und Intuitionen zu Genese und Rechtfertigung. In: Paulo/Bublitz, Empirische Ethik, S. 501-545.
  • Bublitz, What is wrong with hungry judges? In: Waltermann/Roef/Hage/Jelicic (eds.), Law, Science and Rationality (Maastricht Law Series). The Hague: Eleven, 2020, 1-30 [fulltext]
  • Bublitz, Means matter: On the legal relevance of the distinction between direct and indirect mind-interventions. In: Vincent (ed.), Neuro-Interventions and the Law: Regulating Human Mental Capacity. New York: Oxford University Press (2020) [link]
  • Bublitz, Moral Enhancement and Mental Freedom. Journal of Applied Philosophy 2016, 33:(1), 88–106 [link].
  • Bublitz, Der rechtliche Handlungsbegriff. In: Michael Kühler & Markus Rüther (eds.), Handbuch der Handlungstheorie. Metzler Verlag, 2016, S. 386-395.
  • Bublitz, Der erste, letzte oder beste Wille? Authentizität und rational choice als ungeschriebene Voraussetzungen der Urteils – & Testierfähigkeit. In: Petermann (eds.), Urteilsfähigkeit. 2014, S.37–90

Human Rights law (constitutional law, democratic theory)

  • Bublitz, Novel Neurorights: From Nonsense to Substance. Neuroethics 7:2022 [OA Link].
  • Ligthart/Bublitz/Douglas/Forsberg/Meynen, Rethinking the Right to Freedom of Thought: A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Human Rights Law Review 2022, 22, 1–14. [OA link].
  • Bublitz, Freedom of Thought as an International Human Right: Elements of a Theory of a Living Right. In: Blitz/Bublitz (eds.), The Law and Ethics of Freedom of Thought, Vol. 1. Palgrave, 2021, S. 49-101 [link]
  • Bublitz, The nascent right to psychological integrity and mental self-determination. In: v. Arnauld/v. d. Decken/Susi (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of New Human Rights. Recognition, Novelty, Rhetoric. Cambridge University Press, 2020, S. 387-403.
  • Ligthart/Douglas/Bublitz/Kooijmans/Meynen, Forensic brain-reading and mental privacy in European human rights law: Foundations and challenges. Neuroethics 14, 191-203 (2021) [OA link].
  • Paulo/Bublitz, Pow(d)er to the People? Voter Manipulation, Legitimacy, and the Relevance of Moral Psychology for Democratic Theory. Neuroethics 2016 [OA link].
  • Bublitz, Cognitive Liberty or the International Human Right to Freedom of Thought. In: Jens Clausen & Neil Levy (eds.), Springer Handbook of Neuroethics. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, S. 1309 – 1334 [link].
  • Bublitz/Dresler, A duty to remember, a right to forget? Memory Manipulations & the Law. In: Clausen/Levy (eds.) Handbook of Neuroethics. Springer: Dordrecht, 2014, S. 1279-1308.
  • Bublitz, Freedom of thought in the age of neuroscience. A plea and a proposal for the renaissance of a forgotten fundamental right. Archiv für Rechts – und Sozialphilosophie 2014, 100:1, 1–25 [full text].
  • Bublitz, Psyche, Paternalismus & the Pursuit of Happiness. Grundrechtsdogmatische Gedanken zum Schutz vor sich selbst. In : Susanne Beck (ed.), Gehört mein Körper noch mir? Nomos 2012, S. 369-404.

Bio-, Neuro-, & Medical Ethics

  • Bublitz, The body of law: boundaries, extensions, and the human right to physical integrity in the biotechnical age. Journal of Law and Biosciences 9(2) 2022, lsac032, OA: .
  • Bublitz/Chandler/Ienca,Human–Machine Symbiosis and the Hybrid Mind. Implications for Ethics, Law and Human Rights. The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights. CUP 2022, 286-303 [link].
  • Soekadar/Chandler/Ienca/Bublitz, On the Verge of the Hybrid Mind. Morals & Machines 1, 2021, 30-43 [link].
  • Bublitz, Objectification: Ethical and epistemic concerns about neurocentrism in psychiatry. In: Savulescu/Roache/Davies (eds.),  Psychiatry Reborn: Biopsychosocial psychiatry in modern medicine. Oxford University Press, 2020, 325-360.
  • Rainey/McGilivray/Akintoye/Fothergill/Bublitz/Stahl, Is the European Data Protection Regulation sufficient to deal with emerging data concerns relating to neurotechnology? Journal of Law and the Biosciences 7(1), January-June 2020, lsaa051, [OA].
  • Bublitz, Gesundheit oder Glaubhaftigkeit? Auswege aus dem traumatherapeutischen Dilemma. Ethik in der Medizin, 32(1), 2020, S. 65-83.
  • Repantis, Wermuth, Bublitz et al. (2020), REM sleep in acutely traumatized individuals and interventions for the secondary prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 11(1), 1740492. [OA Link].
  • Steinert/Bublitz/Jox/Friedrich, Doing Things with Thoughts: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Disembodied Agency. Philosophy & Technology 32, 2019, S. 457-482 [OA link]
  • Sample/Bublitz et al. (2019): Brain-computer interfaces and personhood: interdisciplinary deliberations on neural technology. Journal of Neural Engineering 16, 063001.
  • Dresler/Sandberg/Bublitz et al., Hacking the Brain – Dimensions of Cognitive Enhancement. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 2019, 10, 1137-1148 [OA link]
  • Bublitz, Drugs, Enhancements & Rights: Ten Points for Lawmakers to Consider. In: Veljko Dubljevic & Fabrice Jotterand (Hrsg.), Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and policy implications in International Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, S. 309 – 328 [uncorrected proofs]
  • Paulo/Bublitz, How (not) to Argue For Moral Enhancement: Reflections on a Decade of Debate. Topoi 38, 2019, 95-109 [OA link] – Erratum [here]
  • Bublitz, Saving the world through sacrificing liberties? A critical comment on Persson & Savulescu’s “Unfit for the Future“. Neuroethics, 2016 [pre-print].
  • Bublitz, My mind is mine!? Cognitive liberty as a legal concept. In: Hildt/Franke (eds.), Cognitive Enhancement: An interdisciplinary perspective. Springer (2013), 233-264. [Link]
  • Dresler, Sandberg, Bublitz et al., Non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement. Neuropharmacology, 2013, 529-543 [link].
  • Bublitz, Doping Kontrollen im Staatsexamen? Über Chancengleichheit in Prüfungen und leistungssteigernde Substanzen. ZJS 3/2010, S. 306-317 [OA link].
  • Bublitz/Merkel, Autonomy and Authenticity of Enhanced Personality Traits. Bioethics 23, 2009, S. 360–374 [full text]. 

Short Paper & Commentaries

  • Bublitz, Freedom of Thought. Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy [link].
  • Blitz/Bublitz, Preface to Vol. 1 of Law and Ethics of Freedom of Thought, Palgrave 2021 [OA link].
  • Bublitz, Statement to the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Belief or Religion regarding the Right to Freedom of Thought. June 2021 [link].
  • Geneuss/Bublitz/Papenfuß, Zur Strafbarkeit des „Stealthing“. Juristische Rundschau, 2021.
  • Bublitz/Repantis, Memory, Authenticity, and Optogenethics. AJOB – Neuroscience 2021, 30-32 [link].
  • Rainey/Bublitz/Maslen/Thornton, Data as a Cross-Cutting Dimension of Ethical Importance in Direct-to-Consumer Neurotechnologies. American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience 10:2019, S. 180-182.
  • Bublitz, Differences in the Interior Design of Prisons and Persons. AJOB-Neuroscience, 2018, 170-172
  • Bublitz, Privacy Concerns in Brain-Computer Interfaces. AJOB-Neuroscience 10, 2018, 30-32 [link].
  • Ligthart/Douglas/Bublitz/Meynen, The Future of Neuroethics and the Relevance of the Law. AJOB-Neuroscience 7, 2019, 120-121.
  • Bublitz/Repantis/Kuehn/Dresler, Who Controls the Past Controls the Future: Reconsolidating Concerns Over Memory Manipulations. American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience 7, 2016, 247-249.
  • Paulo/Bublitz (2016). Introduction: Political Implications of Moral Enhancement. Neuroethics 4, 1-3.